
National Defence Academy of Latvia, is the successor of the traditions of the Latvian Military School.

When the Republic of Latvia was proclaimed on 18 November, 1918, the formation of the Latvian Army became one of the main tasks. On September 13, 1919, a military school was founded under the orders of General Davids Sīmansons, Commander-in-Chief of the Latvian Army. Captain Rūdolfs Klinsons was appointed its commander. The Military School was deployed at Kr.Barona iela 99, the premises of the former Catholic Seminar. The training began on October 3, but was disrupted due to the attack of Bermont’s troops and Military School personnel were sent to the front.

After fighting with Bermont, the staff of the military school returned to Riga on November 30 to resume studies. After a hard march from Jelgava, there was nothing else to put on the table for dinner - just black coffee, marmalade and rye bread. It became a tradition that was later followed throughout the Military School's history, Black Coffee Night.

The Military School was in operation until the autumn of 1940, when the Soviet occupation ended the training of officers for the Latvian Army.

After the restoration of Latvia's national independence, one of the most important tasks was the creation of the national Armed Forces (NAF). On 13 February 1992 the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia, by decision No 54, founded the National Defence Academy of Latvia in order to ensure the future armed forces with a quality commanding staff. Colonel Valdis Matīss became the first head of the restored National Defence Academy of Latvia.

Initially, the National Defence Academy was stationed in the premises of the Malpils Agricultural School. There, after a shortened six-month programme, the officer's profession was mastered by 72 cadets. In late 1992, the National Defence Academy of Latvia acquired new premises in Riga, at Ezermalas iela 6/8, in the territory of the former Biryuzov Military School.

In the years that followed, along with learning and cultural work, a lot of effort and resources went into the development of NDAL infrastructure. Cadet dorms and training ranges were repaired, a shooting range and an obstacle course were built. Tactical shooting and shooting simulator centers were set up, a library as well as a computer class was set up.

Over time, the leadership, staff, structure and subordination of the National Defence Academy of Latvia have changed, and study programmes have changed. If at the beginning of the NDAL existence there was a requirement to prepare as many officers as possible in the shortest possible time, then the next few years were years of improvement in finding the most appropriate model of military education and the most effective pathway of realization, prioritizing the quality of education.

Currently, the NDAL is implementing accredited study programmes for cadets with higher and secondary education. Since 2010, the NDAL has been implementing an accredited professional master’s degree programme, “Military Leadership and Security”. The Junior Staff Officer course and the International Naval Forces Mid-level Staff Officer’s Course are important in the NDAL training process and in the further military education of NAF officers.

Military leadership study programmes (for cadets with secondary education) are implemented in three directions in order to prepare future officers for the service in the Naval Forces Flotilla, Air Forces Aviation Base and Land Forces. During the studies cadets acquire military knowledge at the NDAL, as well as according to the selected speciality they study at the relevant institution of higher education – Riga Technical University or Novikontas Maritime College. National Defence Academy of Latvia has the right to implement the field of studies “MILITARY DEFENCE” and study programmes indicated in Annex 156 to the study direction accreditation page conforming to the field of studies and to assign appropriate degrees and professional qualifications. Study programmes: 1) the professional Bachelor's study programme “Air Forces Military Leadership”; 2) the professional Bachelor's study programme “Naval Forces Military Leadership”; 3) the professional Bachelor's study programme “Land Forces Military Leadership”; 4) the second level higher education programme “Commanding Staff Officer”; 5) the Professional Master's study programme “Military Leadership and Security”.

Rectors of the National Defence Academy of Latvia:

  • Colonel Valdis Matīss (30.03.1992-27.02.1998);
  • Lieutenant Colonel Ilmārs Vīksne (27.02.1998-3.04.2001);
  • Lieutenant Colonel Juris Maklakovs (03.04.2001-13.05.2004);
  • Brigadier General Kārlis Krēsliņš (14.05.2004-27.05.2005);
  • Lieutenant Colonel Gunārs Upītis (28.05.2005-28.09.2007);
  • Captain Vladimirs Dreimanis (28.09.2007-30.06.2010);
  • Colonel Andris Kalniņš (30.06.2010-10.05.2011);
  • Colonel Egils Leščinskis (10.05.2011-19.06.2015);
  • Colonel Georgs Kerlins (19.06.2015-08/09.2017);
  • Colonel Valts Āboliņš (08.09.2017-14.07.2020);
  • Colonel Oskars Kudlis (14.07.2020 to 20.12.2020);
  • Colonel Māris Utināns - since 20.12.2022.