Study Council
Tasks of the Council
The tasks of the Council are:
1. review and submit to the Senate for approval regulations related to the teaching and study process;
2. review and approve the courses of study, the examination plan, the content of the final and national examinations and the internship programmes;
3. review and approve or recommend to the rector for approval the programmes of officers' professional career, further education and professional development courses;
4. to consider questions concerning the matriculation of staff in and exmatriculation from study programmes;
5. to consider questions concerning the granting of an academic leave;
6. review and approve students' admission to the national examination;
7. approve the award of degrees and qualifications to students;
8. review and approve the internship plan, specifying the internship location and the internship supervisor;
9. to consider and recommend to the rector of the NDAL for approval the list (draft) of members of the National Examinations Board;
10. to review and submit to the NDAL vice-rector for approval the content of the National Examinations for the NDAL courses;
11. to review the Admission Rules for each academic year and forward them to the Senate for approval;
12. to review and approve guidelines for the preparation and defence of a course, research and a study paper, qualification, diploma, bachelor's and master's theses;
13. to approve the schedule for the final thesis preparation for each course of study;
14. to review and decide on student and learner performance issues;
15. to hear, evaluate and approve Quality Reports of the heads of courses or programme directors;
16. to review and approve changes to study programmes;
17. to consider and approve the establishment of new study programmes;
18. to review and approve the planned staff for teaching or supervision and review of study courses, study papers, research thesis, bachelor's and master's thesis;
19. to approve the theme, supervisors and reviewers of the paper or thesis;
20. to decide on other matters related to the teaching and learning process of students.