Militārā vēsture

The research area Military History

Research priorities:
· Military conflicts on the territory of Latvia and the Baltic region in the 20th century.
· Impact of the societal context on the formation of military units in Latvia.
· Formation of officer corps in Latvia between 1920 and 1940 and in the 1990s.

Militārā medicīna un psiholoģija

The research area Military Medicine and Psychology

Research priorities:
· Effects of physical exertion on soldiers' health.
· Sustainment of soldiers' physical performance and health in a military environment.
· Maintaining the psychological resilience of soldiers under physical exertion.

Latvijas un Baltijas valstu drošība un aizsardzība

The research area the Security and Defense of Latvia and the Baltic States

Research priorities:
· Total defense, comprehensive national defense, and societal resilience.
· Baltic states' security and military cooperation.
· Public opinion on national security and defense in Latvia.
· National identity and civic values in Latvia.
· Introduction and implementation of the State Defence Service in Latvia.

NATO un ES loma Eiropas drošībā

The research area NATO and the EU's Role in European Security

Research priorities:
· NATO cohesion and resilience.
· NATO deterrence and defense strategy.
· NATO efforts to deter Russia in the Baltic region.
· European defense integration.
· NATO and EU defense economy and industrial policy.

Krievijas stratēģija, karadarbība un sabiedrība

The research area Russia's strategy, warfare, and society

Research priorities:
· Russia strategy and foreign policy.
· Hybrid war and non-kinetic warfare; cognitive and mental warfare.
· Russia's interpretation of deterrence and coercion.
· Russia's society and public support for foreign policy.

Militārās tehnoloģijas un sadarbība ar aizsardzības industriju

The research area Military technologies and cooperation with the defense industry

Research priorities:
· 5G solutions and their military applications.
· Wide range UAV solutions and kinetic anti-drone solutions.
· Use of innovative materials in the production of military equipment.