NDAL cadet research conference 2023

06/03/2024 - 05:21
Information prepared by
NDAL Department of Military Leadership Studies

NDAL cadet research conference 2023

On June 2, 2023, the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) hosted the renewed NDAL cadet research conference, bringing together cadets, permanent staff and guests of the Academy. 

The aim of the conference was a platform for the exchange of experience, enabling junior cadets to gain experience from senior course cadets on how to design a study, how to present their research to a wider audience, thus inspiring the junior course cadets to conduct research qualitatively and with interest. By being interested in and involving cadets in science, their further readiness to continue their research activities, which is a challenge in their future professional careers, is demonstrated. Cadets had the opportunity to receive feedback, which is a great opportunity for self-assessment of what has been done.

The conference opened in the renovated NDAL Klinsons Hall with a speech by the Vice-rector. The introduction was continued by the Head of the Defence Technology and Innovation Centre (ATIC) Mārtiņš Mežulis and Lieutenant Colonel Jānis Jansons with the theme "The most modern defence solutions for the challenges of the 21st century".

Before presenting cadet research, the conference participants and listeners were introduced to the activities and research conducted by the NDAL  Security and Strategic Research Centre– NDAL academic and scientific environment maker, lead researcher Dr. oec.  Jānis Bērziņš.

In the second part of the conference, the six best cadets of the bachelor study programme "Naval Forces Military Leadership" and the professional study programme "Command Staff Officer" presented their research. The presented final bachelor's thesis topics were previously reviewed and selected by the NDAL professional faculty committee.

The scientific research of the cadets was devoted to the readiness of the society in the implementation of the State Defence Service, the reflection of the events of the Russia’s War against Ukraine, the training methods of the decision-making process in the NDAL and their compliance with NATO military standards, the motivation and attitude of NDAL cadets to learn, the possibilities of improving the Latvian and English military terminology of cadets in the study process and finally the indoor air quality of the NDAL six-storey barracks. Watching the conference's oral presentations led to confidence that future officers would be purposeful, knowledgeable, and motivated.

At the end of the conference, there was an opportunity to talk with participants and listeners during a coffee break, thus gaining pleasant insights that the quality of research papers and speaking skills have increased, which confirms the level of professionalism and quality of studies at the NDAL.

Scientific research activities of cadets have a practical contribution to the development of interdisciplinary fields of military science.


Information prepared by:
National Defence Academy of Latvia
Department of Military Leadership Studies
senior lecturer
Lieutenant Commander  Kristīne TIMMA