S. Sraders. The Responses of Major Powers to Military Incidents: Russia’s War against Ukraine and the 2022 Missile Incident in Poland Publications
J.Bērziņš, Victoria Vdovychenko. Willingness to fight for Ukraine:Lessons for the Baltic states Publications
I.Bērziņa. “Colour revolutions” – democratization, hidden influence or warfare? Working paper Nr. 1. December, 2014, 36 p. Publications
Z.Sliwa. The Russian National Guard: A Warning or a Message? Zinātniskais raksts Nr. 01/2018. Marts 2018, 38 lpp. Publications
Cdr Dr Steve Tatham, LTC Rita Le Page. NATO Strategic Communication: More to be Done? Policy Paper № 01, March, 2014, [6], 55 p. Publications
Cdr. (rtd) S. Tatham, PhD. The Solution to Russian Propaganda in not EU or NATO Propaganda but Advanced Social Science to Understand and Mitigate its Effect in Targeted Populations. Policy paper no 4, July, 2015, 10 p. Publications